Write a Bash Function to Create a gruntfile.js for your project

Here is how it works

Everyt time i type gruntfile in the Terminal, it creates a gruntfile.js for me in the folder i am in. The resulting gruntfile.js has the following template code:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),

    // CONFIG


    // PLUGINS

    // TASKS
    grunt.registerTask('default', ['', '']);

I can now add my Grunt config to it.

What i have done is create a function gruntfile for me and saved in my .bash_profile so it is available to me anywhere in the Terminal.

Here is the code


gruntfile() {
  if [ -e "gruntfile.js" ] ; then
    echo -e "${color_red}gruntfile.js already exists${color_off}"

    if [ -e "Gruntfile.js" ] ; then
      echo -e "${color_red}Gruntfile.js already exists${color_off}"

  echo -e "
    module.exports = function(grunt) {
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),

        // CONFIG


        // PLUGINS

        // TASKS
        grunt.registerTask('default', ['', '']);
  " >> gruntfile.js

  echo -e "${color_green}Gruntfile has been created${color_off}"

Copy this code to the bottom of your .bash_profile.

Quit and re-open the Terminal after you are done editing. Alternatively, you can also run source .bash_profile to load the changes you just made.


  • The echo command must be run with the -e flag to execute it as a command instead of just printing it out to the terminal.
  • Also, echo only seems to work if you wrap the statement in double quotes " ". It will not work with single quotes ' '
  • Since there is no simple way of checking case-insensitively if a file exists, i have added an if statement twice to check for both gruntfile.js and Gruntfile.js
  • I have added color coding so that it’ll show a red response if the file already exists and a green one if a file was succesfully created after running the function.

If this all seems too technical, you can just create a sublime text snippet for Grunt.

The purpose of writing this is to show the possibilities of what you can do with bash scripts and .bash_profile. For example, you can set up project templates and create your whole directory structure by typing new project. You can add a license to your project license files by typing license. And much more.